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Herbs Byeme

Thank you for giving details πŸ’œπŸ‘πŸ˜Ž keep up the good work

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Thank You for Your Support!

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Kristina, O would Like To Know If You Have a Step By Step Process.. I AM ALL IN With You.. Thank You So Much For Dedication and Sharing of Your Amazing Knowledge.. Congradulations With Your Baby.. Please Thank Your Husband For Sharing Your Time With All oF Us.. Family is The Most important.. You are Helping People with Our Spiritual Journey.. I Dont Know if You Real-Eyes,"SEE" or Know This.. You are Tapped into Your Higher Self.. Your Know-Ledge Is Amazing.. You Teach in a Kind and Caring Way.. I Have Been on This Path Six Years..Wend Down Many Rabit holes, Followed Many wrong Ways.. Nobody wants To Share Knowledge.. Gurus Give Just Enough To Get a Person in Trouble.. I Am Blind in One Eye and My Other Eye is 50 percent and Blury.. I Live Alone, Reading and writing Is Challenging.. I appriciate Your Videos and All You Do.. I Promise I Will give 100 Percent .. Especially When You are Giving So Much and Sacrificing So Much.. I Send Positive Loving Energy, Use it Freely, Allow It To Be added To Your Amazing Journey.. I Send Protective Energy For You and Your Family.. It Is Real. take a Moment, Go Outside With Your Baby and Family, Stand Barefoot on Mother Earth and Face The Sun.. Source, Breathe Deep and Let out Through Nose.. The Good Chill Throughout Your Body Is The Energy and Protection I Send.. It Might Come in The Form oF a Calming Feeling... Any Time You Feel Frustrated or Down Take off Your shoes and Face The Sun While standing on Mother Earth... Do This Even if Your Feeling Great.. I share This With You as a Gift.., This is a Precious.. My Wealth Comes From Sharing This, and Seeing You and Your Family in a Loving Light.. I Apologize For any misspelled Words.. Spelling is Not My Thing,,, I Pre-Fur The Magic of Creation... Thank You, RobertScott

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Robert! You are amazing! Thank you for your kind words. I am working on a debt cancelation eBook that is step by step just like " Setting Up Your Estate/Private Bank & Foreign Grantor Trust". I am testing debt cancelation in other states. I want to ensure that the information I am providing to you all works across state lines, so I will need a little time, but I promise to continue sharing information with you all on my social media channels until the eBook is ready. Banking can be overwhelming.

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By: Giglio-John-Jr.: Miglietta, Beneficiary

Great information and insite, I have been bounced around with court and bad results with what the courts try to do if you let them. When they ask me a question I will reply "if I understand that question correctly " then ask if they have jurisdiction for that question as well! Anyway my question is how do you print anything on the signature lines? I can fill in all the other information except the areas that you have added information? Any assistance will be gratefully appreciated!

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I had sent an email but had received no response yet. My question was regarding filling out the signature box on the hard copy of the SS4 form. There doesn't appear to be enough space on that line to add the capitalized name and signature the way its shown in your example in the book. Is there an alternate way? Thank you.

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I have two of my EIN numbers. I have not done the foreign yet because I have a question I will ask later. I found out some information about how the IRS receives information I did not know so I did the forms online. I am looking forward to working with you...

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Amorita Rosario

You are very much appreciated. Ty for all that you do. Sailor Tina! 😁

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Thank you I have set up all three of my EIM. I have already begun the process of getting things corrected mortgages utilities, car payments, bank accounts, etc. I really would love to know more about the IRS liquidation in the event of dishonor. Thank you. … Chris.

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Thank you, yes me received e book me sent email. No response yet, in regards to setting up setting up my Estate. Patiently waiting for you when you start next group of people

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Greetings I came on here to get the Errors and Omissions Corrections to go with my Ebook, but haven't found anything. I only can imagine how difficult of a situation you are in striving to help us out!!! I remain patient and wish for relief for you and you family. Remember, if it is not The Most High Wish, most people wouldn't follow His Instructions either. Don't take any of this Personal. Do your best and if that isn't good enough? the hell with them.

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This is Siddiq from smellscentsational dropping you a email to let you know that I was able to download the Errors & Omissions ebook. Thanks again 1Love

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the books not loading... is this being looked at? i know you're busy but please get this corrected. thank you

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Chozen One

I got to get the forms as of yet I have not been able to go and retrieve them I will asap thank you

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Edoris Cromartie Jr

What a great ebook. Well worth the funds required. Thank You

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Kristina... I would like to cancel the monthly subscription to your google drive and cannot locate where to cancel the subscription on Gumroad. Please advise where I would locate this information to cancel before the next monthly charge. Thank you with kind regards, Lynn Foutch

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William Oliver

Thank you for all that you do Kristina. You don't know how much that you've done that has been a huge help to my life. Thank. Also I was wondering how much you charge to set up the FGT EIN. I already have the estate and individual banker eins.

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